
An easy way to get rid of ants

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An easy way to get rid of ants

In this weather, ants have increased in the house. From sugar canes to book shelves, no place is immune to ants. You don’t have to save the sugar cane from ants by putting it in an airtight container or packet, but how do you keep ants from attacking the corners of the house?

Let’s not know some domestic ways.

Bay leaves:-

Sprinkle bay leaf powder on the area where the ants are more numerous, you will see the solution will match. If it is dried and fried in a hot pan, it will be convenient to grind bay leaves. The pungent smell of bay leaves will no longer last in the house. He will run away from his position.

Things to do to avoid lightning

Lemon juice:-

Collect the lemon juice and take it inside a spray bottle and spray it where you see the ants and you will see the ants go away.

Cinnamon and cloves: –

You can leave some cloves to chase away the ants from the sugar bowl. Spread clove and sugar powder in places where ants are more common. If you see an ant in a book or a spice, tie a few cloves and cinnamon in a bundle. The problem will be easily removed.


Mint leaves:-

Ants do not like the strong smell of this leaf at all. With a little crushing, this leaf can be placed in the corner of the kitchen and floor. Apart from that, if you mix mint oil with water and spray it in the house, you will get relief from ants.

Hot water:-

Mix one tablespoon of black pepper powder in one cup of hot water and spray it on the ant where it is.

An easy way to get rid of ants An easy way to get rid of ants An easy way to get rid of ants An easy way to get rid of ants An easy way to get rid of ants

An easy way to get rid of ants
An easy way to get rid of ants

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